Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pancakes/Waffles from Deliciously Organic

These look interesting.  I think I'll give them a try this weekend.  I'm trying to keep any sort of baked goods to once or twice a week.  It's really easy for me to rely on baked goods (muffins, quick breads, "granola" bars) when I'm in a hurry but I don't seem to digest nuts very readily (constipation) so I try to keep them to a minimum.  Not to mention that we should be focusing on vegetables, protein and healthy fats, delicious but sometimes *yawn*.  

It can be hard to find time to prepare all the food required for these crazy diets (FODMAP, SCD, GAPS).  That's why I love to prep foods and freeze or keep leftover in the refrigerator. While chopping vegetables for fajitas the other night I realized I had a bit of extra time and all the veggies out so I made a batch of stir fry.  Bam!  4 lunches ready to go.  I always keep soup in the freezer as well, currently beef/vegetable.  My son is in swimming lessons this week and next and we don't get home until almost 1:00.  By then I am starving so it's nice to have something to quickly heat up so I don't start rifling through the cupboards.  I don't cheat in terms of FODMAPs but the calories from grazing while preparing a meal can quickly add up.

I'm thinking about moving to 4 meals a day this fall when school starts again.  With breakfast at 7, it makes for a long haul to lunch and then a longer span to dinner.  I know ideally us SIBO people stick to 3 meals to help our MMC (migratory motor complex) do it's thing but it's hard to go without food for that long, especially if you are active.  I often wonder if it slows metabolism because your body is hungry and in need of calories but you deny it.  All the fitness magazines and many of the "diet" books I read say you should ideally eat 5 times a day, every 3 hours. These are not meals mind you, it's generally protein and veggies for meals, and light snacks, a bit of nut butter, hummus or cheese with fruit/veggies for snacks.  I'm also thinking about doing a little homemade elemental meal after workouts so it feeds the body but doesn't require digestion.  I just need to find a way to make it taste better :)

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