Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Breath Test #5 - Post Elemental Diet

My test results were emailed to me today.  We are in triple digits now!!  It looks like the elemental diet (and everything else I have done) has just continued to move most of the bacteria further down my small intestine. But the methane has increased throughout this time.  At least the last couple of times the test showed several zeros.  This time there was only one zero on the methane.  Kind of a bummer but I like the fast results with the elemental diet.  My husband is encouraging me to do it for a month next time.  My mother would have a fit.  I would really have to make an effort to choke down all the honey required or see if I can find some dextrose that isn't from GMO corn.  If I can get down enough carbs I won't get ketogenic and dump a bunch of water weight.

So what now? I have a skype appt with the SIBO center at NCNM on Thursday.  Maybe they will add Berberine.  Then I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks.  I'm going to unplug and just have fun.  I will still eat low FODMAP, probably mostly protein since we will be camping and when I return I will do the elemental diet again to see if I can make more progress.  How long I do it depends on what my NCNM doc recommends and what my Seattle ND says when I see him mid-August.

It's funny because both docs told me my case was going to be tough to resolve.  I'm not sure I've every really gotten clarification why.  My levels were not very high to begin with and the only real symptoms I had were constipation, bloating and an itchy belly (which I didn't realize was related at the time).  I do know the methane is more difficult to resolve.  Oh well.  I'm making slow steady progress and it's better than none at all!

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