Friday, October 2, 2015

I may be overdoing it!

I have been drinking guar gum with my morning and afternoon kill supplements.  I just can't do it after dinner so I've been making sure to include some starchy carbs with dinner.  All good but then the starchy carbs evolved into rice, refried beans, sweet potatoes, avocado, plantain chips, oh my... and up goes the bloat and up goes the weight.  I definitely need to get myself under control. LOL!  Especially since I'm nearing the end of my supplements.  It's one thing to feed the little bastards to keep them active, it's another thing to provide them with an endless smorgasboard!


  1.'ve been doing a lot lately! It's quite a process, isn't it? The guar gum sounds tough. Starchy carbs have taken me down the rabbit hole since the end of the summer. Back on AIP diet with low fodmaps for about a week and things are much improved. Meant to ask, what fb SIBO group are you in?

  2. Hi Jan! I'm in the Low FODMAP Paleo group, a lot of SIBO people in there but less going round and round like in the SIBO Discussion/Support Group, The Western Washington SIBO Support group, which is local (only open to local people) and we actually meet once a month (so nice!). I'm also in a small private group.

    Definitely going back to strict low FODMAP/low ferment and semi-AIP. I can't let go of nuts to save my life! May be the next step, we'll see.

  3. Thanks, Shari! I tried the sibo support group/fb and yikes, so many people so off the rails! So gave that up. I may try the LFPgroup.

    I still eat nuts/seeds in moderation and I really don't think they bother me. Mostly low fodmap, and no lactose with a rotation of herbal/botanicals several days a week keep my good. I need to retest for a real check on how it's going! I also went to Dr. Kellar and got priced out of NCNM.

    1. That sucks, I'm so sorry. Hope you find another provider soon!
