Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Diatomaceous Earth

Yes I did!  I bought some diatomaceous earth and drank 1/4 tsp in water today.  It made me feel kind of weird.  It's supposed to help your body detox, kills parasites (not that any could survive in my body after all the protocols I've done) and has minerals in it.  I won't be doing it daily but I'm going to try to do it a few times a week.  On other days I may drink bentonite clay.  Just playing around to see if I feel any different if I use some detoxing products.  They are supposed to be really great for die off symptoms (and have been recommended by my various ND's) but since I've never experienced die off I've never used them.  Will be interesting to see if they have an impact on how I feel, will help reduce my inflamed gut and get rid of the extra freaking 7 lbs I'm lugging around.

My Resolor arrived today.  I must admit, I'm a little scared.  It's supposed to be some pretty potent stuff.  I think I will wait until Monday to start it.  Perhaps swtich the Motilpro to mid-morning with my Primal Defense and do Resolor at night instead.  I think adding it in to everything I'm already doing would be recipe for disaster since I seem to be in a really good place right now.

My bad is almost 100%, my massage and chiro appt tomorrow should get me the rest of the way there.  I pulled out my Becoming a Supple Leopard book and my The Role Model book to work on stretching out my hip flexors and rolled my belly.  It helped so much.  Tomorrow should get me the rest of the way there!  Yay!

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