Friday, October 23, 2015

Resolor - Day 2

Ahhhh, much better!  I took 1/4 of a 1mg tablet an hour before bed last night.  My stomach did some mild gurgling and contracting but no mad dash for the bathroom.  I feel like it moved things along as they would more normally transition.  No headaches, no hunger.  I wouldn't say my morning trip to the bathroom was normal but much closer than the night before last!!

It's weird to not be taking a bunch of stuff to keep my bowels moving.  I have taken magnesium every night for as long as I can remember at least until I added in the ox bile.  If you're bound up, look into it.
Article on WiseGeeks, not sure how accurate but I like the explanations
An article from Livestrong

Having some excellent discussions regarding SIBO, Intestinal Permeability and testing with the mentor group for the nutrition certification course I am taking.  It's so much fun to bounce around ideas.  Their current standard is to recognize that while someone likely has SIBO you should test for IP instead and treat that first.  My belief is it should be the other way around. Who cares if you have IP if you have SIBO.  The IP will resolve once SIBO goes away and you can't repair IP until SIBO is gone.  It scares me a little that I think talking about all this is so much fun.  I also got a package during lunch and was sad to discover it was Amazon and not my DUTCH test.  There is seriously something wrong with me!


  1. Hello, I'm fighting with SIBO too...I have been taking xifaxan twice and It was helping a bit but my migrating motor complex is not moving right now despite I'm still taking you thing that resolor is worth to try?

    1. I think this is a very individual thing. If your methane is high it really prevents motility and the best prokinetics have a hard time fighting that. You may take Resolor and it can't compete with the methane. You could talk to your provider and see what they think.
