Sunday, January 25, 2015

SIBO specific diet + Sugar Impact Diet + Fast Tract Digestion

SIBO specific diet + Sugar Impact Diet + Dr. Robillard's Fast Tract Digestion
I keep all the foods that I eat with appropriate amounts in grams on a spreadsheet that's attached to the inside of the spice cupboard, closest to where I prepare meals.  I don't necessarily buy into the Fast Tract Book (or for that matter the Sugar Impact Diet), but the information about potatoes and rice was interesting and relevant to me.  I don't seem to tolerate starchy carbs well at all. I have done okay when I eat white rice but not basmati. I was doing good when I took out yams and bananas, pretty much the only starchy carbs I eat and started to tank when I added them back in.  More belly puffiness and suckier energy.  I know that's not a word but it soooo describes how I was feeling.  Keep in mind that I did not actually read these books cover to cover, I'm more of a skimmer so I'm not going to give you in depth details :)  

Back to the Fast Tract IBS book.  It has a total of 15 charts in the back so you can weigh your food out and then add up the points (which relate to Fermentation Potential-FP).  You want to keep your FP under a specific number.  A bit too complicated for most.  I'm not a calorie or point counter.  Not to mention that out of the 15 charts, 11 of them are for processed food!  I thought we were supposed to be getting healthy and healing.  Can you really do that while eating so much processed junk?  Wonder Bread comes up as low (meaning good), only 4 points. Yikes!  I can understand how someone on the Standard American Diet would get sucked in by this and maybe control their IBS symptoms but will they really be healing and getting well?  I just don't see it.  

The Sugar Impact Diet is JJ Virgins book.  She looks at food in terms of Sugar Impact (SI).  In a nutshell rating food by the amount of sugar in them and the effect it has on your body in terms of blood sugar.  This book is what got me cut out bananas and yams in the first place (they both have a medium SI).  In the good old days I was a carboholic, and I'm sure my blood sugar was up and down all day and man did I feel it.  If I eat any of the foods that spark a blood sugar spike I know I'm going to crash.  By leveling out your blood sugar and introducing more fats you can switch over from relying on sugar for energy to relying on fat. Sounds good to me!

Cinnamon is really good at leveling blood sugar so if I'm going to have a touch of honey with anything then I always add a good shake of cinnamon.

Now this is exciting.  I love getting updates to the Monash App!  Can't wait until it comes out. The booklet has already been updated but I'm betting that if I order it, the app will update before the booklet actually arrives (2-3 weeks), so I'm waiting.

And, in case you haven't noticed, I am a chaser of bright and shiny things ;0


  1. Hi my name is lance and i found your blog and it seems that you are going through or have gone through exactly the same thing as me. I have constipation sibo and my gut motility is doesn't exist. I am about to go on the elemination diet and i would love to know what you learned going through it.

    Is there anyway we can have a skype call or google hangouts call so i can learn about what worked and what didn't from you. I am so tired of going through this and i need some guidance because this is so lonely going through this problem.


  2. Hi Lance. I'm not sure what I could add other than what I've said here. I pretty much chronicle all the things I try. I still struggle with C and motility issues every day, hoping this new thyroid discovery is the piece of the puzzle I have been missing. The only thing that keeps me going is LDE and Mag citrate. Not sure how effective the Iberogast is but I'm going to continue with it. I understand how lonely and isolating this is. Feel free to continue to comment on here and maybe join some of the facebook groups. I'm on Low FODMAP Paleo Community and SIBO Discussion/Support Group both of which are so helpful in feeling like people understand and know what you are going through. And man do they have some other ideas of things to try! It's a wealth of information and support. My experience with the elimination diet is different than most and several people in the SIBO group have done it with great success so might be helpful with that as well. -shari

  3. Hey! I've been actually using Fast Tract Digestion "diet" since uhh November. When my SIBO flared up pretty bad then, it was really helpful. Supplements and especially l-glutamine along with this diet has really helped me heal. Sibo takes months to a year for most I think to heal so I'm still following it.

    Also I really like your blog, and I hate SIBO. Cheers

    1. I need to be better about the rebuilding supplements. My ND keeps telling me to wait. Going to boost my L-Glutamine to daily from occasional. Thanks!
