Thursday, January 15, 2015

Huperzine A

From WebMD:
Huperzine A is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth for a short period of time (less than 3 months). It can cause some side effects including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, blurred vision, slurred speech, restlessness, loss of appetite, contraction and twitching of muscle fibers, cramping, increased saliva and urine, inability to control urination, high blood pressure, and slowed heart rate.

Ha ha!  Maybe I should have done a bit more research before taking Huperzine A (as talked about in the Digestive Sessions by Dr. Datis Karrahzian and in his book).  I got the nausea, twitching, cramping, blurred vision and slurred speech.  Of course it was hard for me to connect the dots because 1) I suck at that, 2) I was cannabised during my weekly massage for 5 weeks, 3) I have 4 screws hanging down from the roof of my mouth, 4) my neck is screwed and when it is I sometimes feel nausea, and 5) because I was messing with my carb intake and that can cause a lot of the symptoms above.  The worst part was figuring it out AFTER I just had just swallowed a bunch of them :(  But that's over now, onward and upward.

I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do in terms of my elimination diet.  I was feeling so crappy with the Huperzine and January is such a hard month for me anyway (usually I flare into muscle spasms in my neck which greatly impact how I feel) that it's hard to tell if the diet was helping and if I am having a reaction when I introduce foods.  I added nuts back in on Monday without anything happening.  I ate eggs this morning but then was pretty tired and sluggish.  My neck is bothering me (had a yoga instructor assist me in plough last week) so that's likely the reason but who can know for sure, certainly not a girl who can't connect dots.  I'll probably take them back out.  Like I said, I don't think I have autoimmune issues but hopefully will get some answers when I go over test results with my ND on Wednesday.  I'll definitely keep out the foods he wants me to keep out.

Some good news.  I've had a couple of smoothies without getting nauseous, both times I left out the protein powder and MCT.  I had a burger patty on the side with a tiny slice of avocado to get my protein and a bit more fat.  That's a good thing!  Now I can add in one protein to see if it then makes me nauseous and then try the other one, then try the MCT.  I've never had issues with MCT before but usually don't combine with fruit.  I've still been making them with 1/2 cup coconut milk, a small amt of pineapple (under 50g), blueberries (around 25g), carrot, spinach, cucumber and a few leaves of kale.

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