Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Paleo AIP - Days 1 & 2

I didn't want to resort to breakfast smoothies but I have.  School's back in and we have to be out the door at 7:30.  I am not a morning person.  I can't cook breakfast for myself and my son, get his lunch ready and have time to sit down and eat mindfully.  I just haven't been able to.  I could heat soup but it's been a bit rushed.  I've drank my smoothie slowly in the car and chewed before swallowing to let my stomach know it's time to eat.  It's better than nothing.

Breakfast smoothie:
Large handful spinach, one carrot, blueberries (25g), pineapple (50g), 1/2 cup coconut milk, 1 T MCT oil, 1 T pea protein, 1 T sprouted rice protein (technically illegal).

Yesterday was a huge rush so for lunch and dinner I had baked salmon, mashed squash and sweet potato, and a small cup of pureed turkey vegetable soup which I managed to hide a few chicken livers in.

Today was not much better but I had enough time to make curried vegetables at lunch to go with a tin of sardines (leaving out the garlic, cumin, coriander, pepper and nutmeg).  At dinner I made turkey meatballs and had mashed squash and sweet potatoes on the side (again leaving out garlic because of FODMAPs).  I allowed the maple syrup and just used a smaller amount.  I also drank hot coconut milk with turmeric and ginger.  I really miss drinking something other than water, but I've been reacting to all teas and everything else is pretty much out.  Anyway, probably a bit too much coconut FODMAPwise at dinner.  I didn't take the coconut in the meatballs into consideration when I made the drink.  Oh well.  Can't be perfect all the time :)

So far not feeling deprived but it's been a busy couple of days.  Will be interesting to see what happened on a day when I have no where to be.

The good part is my itching is gone from my binge.  The bad news is my yoga teacher "supported" me in plough pose yesterday and my neck is pissed today.  Hard to suss out how I feel when the neck is acting up.  Got it massaged today and will get it cracked tomorrow and be back to me old self by the afternoon.  

Oh, and one of the screws in my jaw is loose so they will take that out tomorrow too.  Once the bone heals, back in it goes.  Pretty sure that was an oversight on my part.  I got a mustard seed caught up in the rubber chain connected to the screw and didn't realize it because I can't really see it and didn't figure it out until it started hurting pretty bad, by that time I think the damage was done.

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