Sunday, January 4, 2015

Out with a bang!

I'm not big on New Years resolutions or starting anything new right on Jan 1.  It seems so drastic and temporary.  I've decided I like themes.  

2 years ago it was the year of the neck.  I had a lot of car accidents in my teens and 20's.  I was rear-ended 5 or 6 times and a few of those were before headrests so I had whiplash.  I spent the year working with a bodyworker who used electric current to massage.  She was able to stretch muscles out in my neck that had been locked in contraction for years and softened up a lot of the scar tissue.  It was a lot of work and more expensive than I care to admit.  In the beginning I would go to the therapy pool at the Y and backfloat to build strength in my neck and I could barely manage 15 seconds in the beginning.  You get the picture.  I am still working on my neck but it's not nearly the ordeal it was back then and I no longer spend 4-6 weeks every winter locked in painful spasms.  I did a wheel in yoga for the first time over the weekend without hurting myself.  Such a nice surprise.

Last year was the year of the butt.  Lots of squats and lunges. I turned 45, what can I say, things were gettin' saggy.  Ah, vanity.  

This year will be the of the gut.  I've done the low FODMAP/SCD thing for a year with many, many rounds of herbal abx, conventional abx, elemental diet, etc.  This year I am going to go AIP Paleo (remaining low FODMAP) for at least a week (longer if I can) then slowly add things back in.  I am going to keep a food diary.  I am going to work on mindful eating. I downloaded this book.  Hopefully it's not too centered on weight loss like most of the mindful eating books are.  I usually check books out at the library but it was only $2.99 for Kindle so figured why not.  I'm going to do my best to do my exercises for my diastasis recti daily.  I'm contemplating an overall mindfulness practice as well.  We'll see.  

So, the out with a bang.  I ate at a restaurant, gasp!  I know.  I ended up nauseous and with a headache, but still ate the leftovers the next day.  It was Thai (peanut sauce) so too much sugar.  I have a thing for tofu which I have of course given up so I ate that too.  GMO I'm sure, ugh, but man was it tasty.  I've indulged in rice, sweet potatoes, organic popcorn and I can't remember what else.  Nothing too illegal but and for most people still incredibly healthy food but I'm ready to let go.  Tomorrow I will give up eggs, chocolate, alcohol, jasmine tea (which has been making me sick anyway), nightshades, nuts, seeds, soy (tamari), citrus and strawberries.  I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. Shari, I've started a local SIBO support group if you are interested. The FB page is at: First meetup will be on Sunday, Jan 18 from 1-2:30 at the Mercer Island Library, still need to create the event on the page.

    Low FODMAP AIP works pretty well, I've been on it a few months now. Good luck with it. Check out The Paleo Approach Cookbook, it is great and I think the library has it.

  2. Put the meeting on my calendar, saw it on the fb groups we are in. Got the book, have the cookbook online. Been finding lots of recipes online. Thanks for the support and comments. Look forward to following your blog as well and meeting you in person.
