Friday, January 30, 2015

Essential Oils

Did a search on essential oils and SIBO tonight and found this and this.  The bacteria tested isn't exactly what we are fighting but I've had great success in the past treating infections with essential oils so I might consider giving it a go.  What can I say, it's something that I haven't tried (aka - bright and shiny).

I watched this and I'm intrigued at using Melaleuca as a biofilm buster.  None of the other biofilm busters I have used (Interface plus, Lipophos EDTA) made a difference.  How much money have we wasted on supplements that don't do what they are supposed to??

Before I change course however I feel like I should do a breath test.  I've been following the protocol my ND set up for a little over 3 months.  I should have seen some change in the numbers, right?  Or am I just focusing on the numbers too much like he says?  He wants me to wait until March.  Maybe I should stay the course until I get the thyroid stuff settled out??  Arg!

And sadly I haven't had any avocado (usually a daily treat) and my digestion has been better.  Sprouted rice protein powder is definitely a no go too.  I added it to my smoothie last night and I didn't think it was ever going to leave my stomach.  I started having the same reaction to pea protein a while back.  Guess I'm just going to have to stick to a bit of collagen protein or have a hamburger patty or tin of sardines on the side.

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