Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Hmmm, the pain is back

My journey (soooo tired of that word!) into SIBO started with pain, bloating and constipation. The pain was resolved with visceral manipulation. It's been eeking it's way back into my days as of late, at first infrequently but now more often than not.  It's not the crushing double over pain or the long term in bed all day pain that you hear some people with SIBO complain about.  It's just a small transient pain that comes before bowel movements.  Like my body saying, "hello, you will need to find a bathroom in the next few minutes!".  If I can't heed the call for some reason, the pain sometimes becomes bad, pale in the face, doubled over bad.  It's funny cause the pain is the same whether the bowel movement is small or large.  You would think there would be some correlation with size but there hasn't been that I have noticed.  So I think it's bowel and I think it's scar related from my c-section, given the timing and location.  I have an appointment with my ND for visceral manipulation on Wednesday.  I'm also going to ask him his thoughts on the Candibactin protocol since both Gelatin and Thyme came up on my Array 10 and they are both in the AR formula.  I recently went through all my supplements and was quite surprised how few actually were gelatin caps.  I purchased some vcaps that should be here today so I can transfer the supplements that are in gelatin.

I'm really glad we have this trip planned this weekend, otherwise I fear I may have hastily plunged into ordering the Candibactin formulas and started taking the Rifaximin :)  Can't tell you how much money I have wasted on supplements by buying while feeling a bit on the irrational side :)


  1. Sorry to hear your pain/discomfort has returned. I hope you get some relief between the ND and changes in your supplements. I often look at my shelf in the pantry overloaded with bottles, jars, tubs, and packets of supplements I no longer use, but keep just in case, it's crazy!! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Wouldn't it be nice if the supplement companies sold sample size bottles!

      Great weekend, thanks!
