Friday, April 10, 2015

Peanut Butter

Oh how I love thee.  Seriously love thee.  I knew about aflatoxins, it didn't deter me.  It's low FODMAP and surely since I buy the expensive organic peanut butter it would have less aflatoxin, right??  Then I read this on Dr. Axe's website:

Creamy Peanut Butter With Blank LabelPeanut Butter – Yes, peanut butter is tasty, but it can also kill your gut health.  Peanuts are grown on the soil and stored moist in silos which then cause them to grow a type of fungus called aflatoxins which can effect the health of your gut.
Peanuts are one of the most common allergens today and have been linked to food sensitivities, leaky gut and a slow metabolism.  This aflatoxin in peanuts can compete with probiotics in your gut which we know damages digestive health.
Also, peanuts are very high in omega-6 fatty acids which can cause serious inflammation in the body.  For these many reasons, peanut butter is a metabolism death food!
Sorry peanut butter, I'm no longer on your team.  The "competes with probiotics in your gut" did it for me.  I have enough of a dysbiosis, I don't need to be eating something that's "can" steal food away from the good guys. It's almond butter all the way for me now.


  1. For better or worse I am evidently allergic to peanuts so this issue hasn't come up for me but I used to love peanut butter too. Unfortunately I'm also allergic to almonds and quite a few other nuts too which really limits the baking options.

    1. My guys would not tolerate a switch to almond butter so I bought cashew butter for them to try. You can still have coconut yes? And once you can reintroduce some resistant starch you can bake just about anything in "Every Last Crumb". I'm holding out hope!

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