Saturday, March 14, 2015

Testing Starch

So at the request of my ND I have been flirting with starch.  I ate a banana last Sunday with my breakfast which was a poor choice given that bananas have a high ferment potential.  I didn't notice any bloating or gas but dealt with C on Monday.  Wednesday I had a small amount of potato with dinner and ended up really bloated (although I also put a bit of garlic powder on the roast).  I ate a tiny amount of potato a couple of days later and did okay and I've eaten the roast separately and did okay so it seems like it was just too much potato. And I don't even like potatoes!  

Adding in that bit of carbs just throws me out of whack and drives my appetite (and cravings) through the roof.  I can't even tell you how many calories I have consumed in the past week but I know it's been astronomical especially the last 3-4 days. I'm lucky that the scale has been kind.  I really do think it's because I keep the carbs down and the fat high. For me it seems to be the key to keeping my belly happy.

Once I got through those blips my digestion has gone back to spot on.  I have been eating celeriac and parsnip noodles with no issues.  Both have starch and fiber so I'll stick with those.  I made Beef Stroganoff with Celeriac Noodles twice.  It's sooooo good.  So then I tried Easy Turkey Taco Celeriac Pasta, delish!  I used either ground beef or bison because it's what I had on hand.  Obviously I am not following AIP so well :)  I seem to be reacting only to eggs and citrus so I'm keeping them out (or limited).  I made Parsnip Noodles with Tuna and Fried Egg next.  It was great for a quick meal.  The chickens are laying like crazy so we always have eggs and I order canned salmon in bulk so as long as I have something to spiralize we're good to go.

The only problem is that my Paderno Spiralizer is starting to cry uncle.  The celeriac in particular is hard for it to handle.  The warranty is only a year and I'm sure we are past that so I'm SOL.  I preordered the Inspiralizer because if anyone knows about what would make a good one, it's this girl.  And it has a 2 year warranty.

FODMAP Note - for all recipes I substitute garlic infused oil for garlic and green onion for regular onions, leave the mushrooms out of the Stroganoff.

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