Thursday, March 5, 2015

To Be or Not to Be???

So I've been thinking for a long time about becoming a yoga teacher and a health coach.  I knew there were a lot of online options but how do you chose?  Liz and Diane talked about it on their Balanced Bites podcast episode 177 and I thought hmmm, there's a good place to start.  So I started looking into programs.  MUIH - too pricey, but man a getting a Masters Degree in Yoga would be fun.  IIN - Amazing guest lecturers and has a great reputation, but is focused solely on food (and business) and I feel like I would then have to go through another program.  FDN - am I qualified?  It looks like it mostly covers lab tests and treatment.  Does it go over enough of the food and lifestyle stuff?  NTA - local but doesn't start until fall and will the weekend workshops be in my area cuz I won't travel. It does look more comprehensive than all of them.  

The bottom line is, it seems like we need more people with personal experience with SIBO out there supporting others who are newly diagnosed and struggling.  Providers either are not that helpful with diet and lifestyle or have schedules so booked that you can rarely see them.  I had to cancel an appt in Feb with my local ND and the next time he had available was the end of April.

My favorite yoga studio offers teacher training in the fall.  I would love to teach restorative yoga.  Most people go to yoga to get a workout while what they really need is to learn to nurture and listen to their bodies.  None of the 3 studios that I go to offer a slow flow type of class.  I think that a lot of people would be interested if it was available, mix things up a bit.  I know on days when I am feeling low energy it's hard to go through a strong flow class and when I've gone to a slow flow class, it's felt wonderful (although the 90-105 minutes it took to get there in traffic, not so lovely).

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