Sunday, November 30, 2014

Diet seems to be the key

I've been tinkering with my diet after flipping through JJ Virgins latest book.  I cut all the carbs out of my diet except for the slowest digesting.  Which means squash, that's it, because the rest on the list are fruit, beans and quinoa and other equally forbidden things. And of course most the green vegetables are okay but depending on where I am with my teeth (braces, rubber chains, screws and what not), I can't always chew the green veggies without wanting to cry.  Oh, and no honey.  But guess what, I felt better, my energy was more consistent and I didn't look 6 months pregnant at bedtime.  Well, that sucks!  I mean my yams, occasional bananas and my hot chocolate with a touch of honey were my only REAL treats and oh how I loved them.  But survive I will. I made a yam, squash and spinach bake thing for Thanksgiving and have eaten it, probably in a bit larger quantities than I should have, since and what am I??  Constipated and bloated, that's what I am. Yuck and bummer!

Oh and did I fail to mention that I agreed to do a triathlon on Thanksgiving morning??  What the heck??  I haven't swam a lap in over 10 years.  It's been at least 5 since I jogged on a regular basis.  Not the brightest of ideas, and yes it was mine.  I took a little bit of extra digestive support after I completed it in the form of Endozin because stressing the body is so bad for the gut.  Not sure if Endozin would be helpful but it is what I had on hand so I popped one with the other supplements I take.  I should have taken my aminos but could they be more nasty???  NO!  I need to get some capsules for them.

Back to the basics tomorrow.  Protein and sauteed veggies.  What did my family spend the weekend eating??  Buttermilk pancakes and pizza.  The nerve!

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