Tuesday, November 10, 2015


I really would love to know who my ancestors were and what they overcame.  I have some resilient kick ass genes.  I know it kind of sounds braggish, but seriously I have nothing to do with it.  So my tummy got a little iffy with the first cup of Matula tea but I've been pretty darn good ever since. My body just seems to adjust, adapt and move on with it.  I seriously must have been a saint in a past life to be so blessed.  

My paternal grandfather passed away at 97 after having a heart attack and multiple bypass surgery in his 70's.  My maternal grandmother will turn 98 in a couple of weeks.  Until recent years she was still kicking butt, living on her own.  Shingles are what finally took her down. She broke a hip, bounced back.  Felt something was off, went to the doctor and they eventually discovered a tiny bit of colon cancer (removed it, no treatment required) and off she went.  She started to have some digestive issues that I think were likely SIBO related. Then a couple of years ago she got shingles that left her bedridden for weeks.  Being immobilized like that in your 90's take a hard toll and she never really regained her strength, try as she might.  She is stubborn and Christian science so the thought of supplements just pisses her off.  I really think they would have helped (I wasn't quite as knowledgeable at the time either).  A couple more falls and another broken hip and the family made her transition to assisted living. She still a fighter but she's winding down pretty quickly since she's been there and even more resistant to supplements (the house physician isn't all that supportive here either and he has to write an order for everything she takes.  If he had his way everyone would take Centrum and Tums - yikes).  Don't even get me started on her birdlike diet.  I think she survives off soup and breads (just like in the Depression days).

Anyways, I digress.  I'm doing great as long as I don't eat veggies.  Ugh!  Seriously???  I ate that cup of vegetable soup yesterday and it made me feel tired and yuck.  I just finished up my usual stir fry for lunch and I just want to plop on the couch and put in a dvd.  I ate 1/2 a baked potato (no skin), hot dog and a homemade nut butter cup for dinner and felt fine which is wrong on so many levels!  Can't believe it the veggies that are causing me malaise. Ah well, I'm going to make myself go outside and walk.  Fresh air always helps.

Which brings me to my love of Jasmine tea, not really, but go with it.  I drank tea on Sunday no problem (except the buzz which I didn't need in the midst of my yin yoga!).  I read over the weekend that H. Pylori does not like green tea, which is what jasmine tea is.  I've been having problems off and on with green tea for at least 5 years.  It was 3 years ago that I puked from drinking jasmine green tea (that only happened once so wasn't enough of a deterrent ;).   Which makes me wonder if the H. Pylori has been at a problematic level since way back then. Hmmmm...

The itching is finally gone 99% of the time, thank goodness!  My midsection is covered in tiny little scabs that you can't see but you can feel.  TMI but you know why else are you hear but to learn about the woes of a fellow SIBO sufferer.

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