Saturday, May 16, 2015

Urine Organix Test

So I pulled out the results from my Genova Diagnostics Organix Comprehensive Profile again tonight. I did this test a year ago.  Sure enough, right on it it says, "Methylation Cofactor Markers - No Abnormalities Found".  This means that even though I have methylation snps I seem to be utilizing B12 and Folate just fine. I had a couple of snps that related to neurotransmitters too. Three of the Neurotransmitter Metabolism Markers on the urine organix test were elevated although 2 of the 3 (if not 3 of the 3) were noted to be caused by bacteria overgrowth.  There were snps that also indicated I may have difficulties related to clearing ammonia from the system but the markers on the Organix test show I am doing just fine in that department as well.  

I went to the Genova site and pulled up their interpretation guide.  Some very fascinating reading and really great charts that show how easily things can go awry if you have issues with methylation.  

I found these two articles which helped me to understand the test results a little bit better as well.
Clinical applications of urinary organic acids. Part I: Detoxification markers.
Clinical Applications of Urinary Organic Acids. Part 2 Dysbiosis Markers

It was really interesting to see how many markers related to bacterial overgrowth (probably why some providers believe it's a valuable diagnostic too).  For me, I was completely negative on several of the markers for bacterial overgrowth but positive on a couple others. I found it interesting that two of the neurotransmitter markers that were high relate to not only bacterial overgrowth but also Th-1 response.  Not sure what that means.  

Given what I have seen I don't think it's a good idea to treat based on snps, you have to run testing to see if there is abnormalities in the processes because your body could be functioning just fine.  If so inclined, you can do it all yourself by running 23andMe, then running that through a program like Genetic Genie and then ordering yourself up the Doctors Data Methylation Profile.  I really wouldn't advise it though because you still end up with a lot of results that you don't know what to do with.

1 comment:

  1. Thank's for sharing useful test for health.The Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA)™ with parasitology offers a comprehensive look at the overall health of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The (CDSA)™ is Genova diagnostics historic evaluation of gastrointestinal function assessing a select set of stool biomarkers.
