Saturday, September 27, 2014

Great Post on SIBO and Methane from Chris Kresser

I can't believe I didn't link this the second I heard it.  It's a great post where he talks about SIBO and methane and archaea.  Archaea???  I had never heard of that and listened with great interest but in the end it's still the same, starve/kill the bacteria to get better.  The best part was the end when he listed a whole bunch of herbs that he uses to do just that.  Many I had never even heard of!  I love that he prints the transcript so you don't have to quickly scrawl everything down and try to figure out how to spell things.

It's been too long since I posted last but there's a lot going on trying to wrap up summer crops and taking care of the 6 egg laying chickens and the 7 new meat chicks.  It's amazing what you can do with 6000 square feet of land in the city.  Local ordinance says we can have 6 adult chickens (10 with written permission from neighbors) but no roosters.  When one of our chickens goes broody we order her fertile meat chicken eggs to sit on and hatch. The meat chickens never technically develop into adult birds so we can have as many as we want.  Pastured, organic chicken meat is hard to find and when you do it's super expensive so this is an awesome way to cut costs a bit and the babies are so cute and funny.  We haven't taken on processing them ourselves yet instead we pay a farmer from the local Farmer's Market do it for us.

Off to make Carne Asada Beef Jerky (from Danielle Walker's Against All Grain cookbook).

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