Monday, October 26, 2015

And I've bounced back

Not sure what the bloat was about those couple of days but it had me a bit worried.  Back on track now.  Finally down a few pounds but man I feel empty and hungry a lot.  And trust me I eat a lot of food and a ton of fat.  It just seems like it moseys on through my digestive tract instead of sitting like an undigested brick which is what I am way more accustomed to.

Super anxious to get my breath test results.  How much do you want to bet the test sheet will say the results were read days ago.  Need to let it go.  It's out of my control and I wouldn't change anything right this minute regardless.  

And I have some bigger fish to fry at the moment.  My midterm practical is two very short days away and they haven't sent me my mock client information to review.  Gaaaaa!  

Off to take a Yin yoga class from my very favorite teacher.  A round trip commute of over 2 hours for an hour long class but it will be so worth it and I'll get errands done along the way.


  1. Glad to hear you're back on track, good news! I had to comment because I too, just went to my favorite Monday Yin class from my favorite teacher. It takes me 45min each way, when traffic is moving. But I wouldn't miss it. We don't live near each other do we? Ha! Good luck on your midterm. I have a phone consult tomorrow with the Loving Diet gal. Can't wait!

    1. Not unless you are in the Seattle area and went to Root 2 Rise :) Doing it again today, same teacher but she's in Seattle today, a bit of a better drive given the rain has stopped. We love to laugh about how people in Seattle can't drive in rain even though it rains all the time. Snow brings the city to a standstill!

      I am sooooo excited for you to have a phone consult with Jessica. It really seems like it will be money well spent. If you want to email me I would love to hear about it. Good luck today! Record the call if you can. I find listening to them again you always find new tidbits that you missed the first time around.

  2. I had a great session and can fill you in, just post/send me your email address. I'm
