Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ugh, I love you too honey!

Husband came down with a weird GI thing on Saturday morning - bloating (stomach), nausea, belching - feeling generally gross.  I thought it was weird, he hadn't really eaten anything yet.  It cleared by Sunday and he was back to his old self.  Monday afternoon I came down with the same thing.  If he hadn't have gotten it first I would have assumed it was a SIBO thing and I had eaten too much of something I wasn't supposed to.  Ugh!  By Tuesday evening it had cleared and I was back to eating again.  I NEVER lose my appetite so that was really weird for me.  Usually when I feel ill I think "what can I eat that will make me feel better".  Not this time.  I am still dealing with residual abdominal pains that come and go, not very frequently but man they hurt!  I made sure to take my Allimed, Berberine and Neem to help prevent any more overgrowth of bacteria in my small intestine and I took good ole Endozin which contains Zinc Carnosine which, as you may remember from The Healthy Gut Summit wrap up post, helps keep the junctions between your intestinals cells working together and hopefully prevented any leaky gut from forming.

That said, at a time when I should be staying strictly AIP I just wanted scrambled eggs this morning so I had them (and felt fine).  And I wanted tunafish and crackers for lunch so I substituted canned salmon, organic mayonnaisse (with inflammatory soybean and canola oil) and seaweed (iodine may not be great for Hashi's, I haven't tested so I don't know my levels).  But I wanted it and even though I shouldn't have, I ate it anyway.  I have duck egg mayonnaise that I made but it's almost a month old so I really should toss it.  I don't have any fresh duck eggs, so I couldn't make more mayo and the organic store jar was just staring at me in the refrigerator.  I've tried to make mayo out of chicken eggs and it's just not as good (even though the eggs are so fresh they are sometimes still warm).

My random fever, technically not a fever, has gone away.  I mentioned that I was running in the high 99's, low 100's didn't I?  No idea what that was about because it started before I started the thyroid medication.  Again if I kept more meticulous notes I might have a better clue.

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