Monday, February 9, 2015

No Regrets!

Oh man am I suffering.  I could barely move today after stressing my body all weekend in that 10hr yoga workshop.  I just started on my thyroid medication so my T3 is still really low. I knew it would tax me but man today was rough.  Unbelievable fatigue!  And I did the EXACT thing you shouldn't do in this circumstance, I drank green tea.

Tonight I went through my old journals and my medical file to clean out the things I no longer need.  Holy mackeral I ate like crap when I started this journey!!  In the beginning I made a lot of breads out of nuts and then spread more nut butter on top of them and made and consumed shortbread cookies of some kind daily.  I was such a sugar addict (although I cut out cane sugar back in 2011, not that it mattered because there are so many substitutes!).  No wonder it's taken me so long to get to this point!  Wouldn't it be nice to be able to travel back and kick yourself in the butt :)

So Dr. Keller wants to test my adrenals through a saliva test but I heard on this podcast that the saliva test only tests for free cortisol which only accounts for 1% of the total cortisol in your body AND hypothyroidism causes poor clearance of free cortisol so the results will likely show more than is actually there.  Chris Kresser recommends DUTCH (dry urine testing comprehensive hormone) testing through Precision Analytical which is of course more than twice as expensive.  Do I get the less expensive test even though it could be inaccurate or do I go for the accurate test or the 3rd option do I just scrap it and take supplements to support my adrenals?  I'm seriously just considering the latter.  All this lab work reallys adds up!

Day One of The Healthy Gut Summit was kind of a bust.  Looking forward to Dr. Knight tomorrow and his American Gut Project talk and also interested to see what Dr. Axe has to say.  I always find it interesting when chiropractors get into functional medicine.  I imagine for most it's a personal journal struggling with their own issues that leads them on a different path after chiropractic school.

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