Friday, February 5, 2016

Such a viscous cycle...

I've been exhausted and pretty miserable.  My thyroid tests came back and while my TPO antibodies have dropped to the low 100's, my hormones still remain on the low side of the lab's range of normal.  It's frustrating because I look at them from a Functional Medicine ideal standpoint and my ARNP looks at the lab norms.  I think if it were just my thyroid I wouldn't be in such rough shape but since it's the whole thyroid-adrenal-gut thing it's been tough.  Freezing (low body temp), hair falling out, exhausted, not feeling rested, water retention, weight gain, loads of freaking fun, just ask my husband.  Thankfully my motility seems to be staying out of the game although I am still doing Iberogast before each meal, ginger between breakfast and lunch and again at bedtime and Vit C and Magnesium with every meal.  Vit C is supportive to the adrenals and my body just doesn't seem to ever get enough magnesium.  I'm trying to do ConcenTrace Minerals in water when I can remember but they are gross :)  I am great at remembering pills because I can organize those in individual containers.  The tinctures not so much, even though they are right next to where I hang out the most.

My ARNP finally called in a prescription for T3 2.5mcg in the morning and at bedtime.  I wanted to try a T3/T4 combo since my T4 is borderline low but there just don't seem to be many good options out there and she wouldn't prescribe.  So I did what I always do and went rouge.  I went back through all my notes and found that you can get one product that may be beneficial without a doctor and that is Thyro-Gold.  The ND of my nutrition program had recommended it but didn't clue me in that it was not prescription.  I went ahead and ordered a bottle since I had instructions on how to take it and I wasn't sure 2.5mcg BID was going to cut it (I was on 15 mcg BID before I stopped meds and crashed).  I have to say I have felt a bit better this week (after starting meds on Monday), but not stellar and I am still really tired.  The Thyro-Gold just arrived so I think I may start it tonight in place of the nightly T3 and see how it goes.  I react poorly to Adrenal glandulars (they make me beyond exhausted) so I may have to contact the ARNP to increase the dose if I react to thyroid glandular as well.  It's a bit tricky given that sometimes the antibodies can get riled up when you add in more thyroid gland.  We'll see.

This week I've been reading:
The Prime - which I love and find really fascinating.  It's written by a neurologist who is also trained in Ayurveda so she uses lots of herbs for healing and health.
Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms and Root Cause - just gathering information on how to best support my body and what my options are.  It's good to be educated!
Thank goodness I have so many great libraries in such close proximity to my house.  I can't imagine the cost of buying all the books I want to flip through and then where the heck would I store them?!?!?

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