Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Contemplating Digestive Enzymes

And came across this article. Seems like a good basic description. For me I'm most interested in breaking down protein since I know I have difficulty there and with vegetable fibers since I have a hard time chewing them completely. Still on the hunt for what, I can't honestly say I've noticed a difference with any of them, except ox bile.  I'm currently using OrthoMolecular Products DigestzymeV. It's fairly comprehensive but expensive, especially if the whole family is taking it.

I heard Mike Mutzel say recently that you should avoid DPP-IV in your routine digestive enzyme because it doesn't something bad in your gut.  Of course I can't remember what he said exactly or whether it was on his podcast or in one of the online summits he's been involved in.  The only enzyme I've seen it in are those targeted to gluten/dairy specific digestion.

I've also recently heard that you shouldn't take a digestive enzyme with Cellulase in it because this is not an enzyme that humans actually have (ruminant animals like cows do). I have yet to come across a comprehensive enzyme that doesn't have it.

Two new podcasts I'm listening to:
Gut Guardians
Nourish Balance Thrive


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  3. I think DPP-IV was creating hormonal imbalance and that was why it was suggested to have an enzyme without it:-) Christine
