Friday, July 3, 2015

Mixing It Up - Adding to the Current Protocol

I'm really kicking it up a notch with the probiotics.

After breakfast I added in 1/3 tsp of Primal Defense HSO Probiotic Formula, it's supposed to be taken on an empty stomach.  It is hard to get down, like drinking gritty, dirty water.  With lunch I am still taking the somewhat controversial MegaSpore Biotic and added in Lactoprime Plus. I've had the Lactoprime a while and I really don't think it's live anymore. I tried to make yogurt out of it and it did nothing so I figured might as well use it up.  I'm trying to drink my Probiotic Tonic from the Classic Kraut with breakfast and lunch, but I don't enjoy it nearly as much as the tonic from the Firefly Kimchi (yum!).  Alas, the Firefly Kimchi drink has spicy peppers in it and they came up positive on the Array 10 so I'm trying to be good and refrain (although the rice, beans and carne asada from the taco truck today was quite spicy ;).  Just drawing the bugs out so I can kill them.  I do this on occasion.  If I had it to do all over again I'm not sure I would have restricted my diet until the bugs were gone.  I can't be sure, but I wonder if the whole SIBO diet just slowed the killing.

It's fascinating because the M. Smithii archaea are a mechanism for retaining energy (calories).  Research has shown that the archaea is very common in starving populations like anorexics and in Sub-saharn Africa.  Makes me wonder if starving the buggers with diet and even the elemental diet does a bit of good.  They seem to be quite unstarvable!  Which leads to how to get through their biofilm and get them.

After listening to Dr. Ruscio's wrap up of the SIBO Symposium I decided to add in Red Rice 
Yeast. He said that statins appear to inhibit their cell wall formation. I picked up a blend from Solaray Garlicare with Red Rice Yeast.  This yeast is a natural statin. I'm going to try this blend while I do more research since it's inexpensive.  Hoping I don't react to the garlic but if anything it will draw the archaea and bacteria out while I pummel it with Biocidin, Olivirex, and the newly added Oreganol (which should arrive tomorrow).  My stomach has stopped bloating in the middle of the night so I figured it's time to stir things up. Ha!

So about 1/2 hour before meals I am now doing:

  • Biocidin 20 drops
  • Oliverix - 2 capsules
  • Serrapeptase - 2 capsules (I won't be buying this again).
  • Alli-C - 2 capsules (almost out)
  • Garlicare - 1-2 capsules*
  • Oreganol - 1-2 capsules*
  • Iberogast - approx 40 drops
  • Bitters - 1/2 -1 tsp (depending on how heavy my protein is going to be)
* I'll likely start with one capsule and work up to two.

If you haven't checked this cookbook out yet, do it!  I picked it up from the library today and it looks AMAZING.  It seems like a lot of the recipe's can easily be modified to be low FODMAP.

Oh, and my son's ND gave him some RepairVite-SE and I have been taking a bit of it but I think the luo han guo fruit extract may have made me bloaty yesterday.  I can't think of anything else it could have been.  RepairVite-SE is pretty much the same as Endozin except way more potent and with some digestive enzymes.

I've slept more this past week than I have in ages and I'm finally feeling rested (another reason to turn the heat up!).  I'm also doing better with hydration since I started squeezing in a lime and an orange into my quart of water.  That is probably helping with the feeling of exhaustion as well. 

Enough for now!  I'll let you know in a couple of days how things are going.  Could get exciting :)  Have a fun and safe 4th of July!  I don't know about where you live but it's dry as can be around here in Washington.  No real rain in months!

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