Thursday, July 16, 2015

I think I'm almost there....

Was it the Red Rice Yeast or the addition of a crapton of probiotics??? I'm not sure but my guess is it's a combination of both.  I have been taking Red Rice Yeast with the herbal biotics (Biocidin, Oliverix, garlic in some form and for 10 days oreganol) before every meal. I drink the juice from sauerkraut with breakfast, just a shot.  Between breakfast and lunch I am taking 1/3 tsp of Garden of Life Primal Defense in water (blech!).  I am taking a soil based probiotic (PrescriptAssist) or MegaSpore Biotic with lunch.  Then I lay off because in my experience if I do any probiotics after dinner I generally wake up in the middle of the night bloated.

I'm also being really good about not eating anything that I could be sensitive too which is really hard since we traveled over the weekend.  Does this mean my inflammation is down too?? Hopefully yes and it definitely seems so.

My gut has been happy.  My kid and I stopped at the Alberta cart Cultured Caveman in Portland, OR last weekend and there were 3 other food carts there that were either vegan or paleo, which means no dairy.  I'm pretty sure all the trucks were gluten free as well.  We ate like piggies - chicken strips, ice cream, donuts (2 orders), and a fudge bar. Not the healthiest but oh well.  The ice cream was strawberry-banana and the fruit chunks were a little big for his liking so I ate it. Bananas!  I ate banana with no reaction.  Everything did hit my stomach like a brick but I ate a ton of heavy, fatty food so that's reasonable :)  I have been eating cashew cheese too.  I was missing my cheezy kale chips.  No more.  And french fries!  Too many french fries over the weekend :)

My hormones have not been so good.  I had a lot of stress last week, PMS through the roof and my body temperatures have plummeted.  I know it will resolve as my gut heals but it's hard to ride the wave sometimes while waiting. I went online to schedule a follow up with Dr. Keller but she has increased her prices to $250 for 30 minutes of skype so that's just not going to happen.  AND, the new policy is you can't get breath test results without a consult with her.  In the past I was able to order tests and get results whenever I want.  Ah well, I have a local ND and I can get the tests through him, it's just more annoying because he travels and teaches a lot.  Anyway, I searched online and found both thyroid and adrenal support that is similar to what I was taking.

This webinar does really good at explaining how your gut can mess up your thyroid, adrenals, etc. etc.  I know nothing about the program and am not recommending you buy it but I did think the information was worth watching.  The link will expire on Monday, July 20th.

Next up.... adding in Lion's Mane (which seems to be on sale everywhere right now, which I took as a sign :) to help support rebuilding the nerves in the gut.

Then maybe in a few months I can start adding in resistant starch.  YIKES!


  1. Hi there, I've been busy but following your posts and protocols since finding your blog. I'm adding in and taking out things based on some of what you are doing and using. It's so interesting to read your results and compare. I add in the garlic/red yeast rice you mentioned in your earlier post and I think it's helping. I had not taken garlic for sibo but I've still been eating it. Decided to up my game with more. I take oregano oil and Lauricidin and berberine in a rotation with breaks, for bacteria/fungal control. I have added some higher fodmap foods just for my own sanity to have some tasty variety of fresh summer veggies...I seem to have some increased signs of inflammation unfortunately, also some possible adrenal fatigue. So lion's mane might be one I add. Definitely focusing on gut repair/restore more than anything. Oh, doing the gagging reflex for vagus nerve stimulation both morning and night, 5 times each. Regularity, brain clarity much better! It's been at least a month. Love to know what you are taking for adrenal support. Thanks!

    1. It varies really. Right now I am using Douglas Labs Adrenomend and Terry Naturally Adrenaplex. The former is more adaptogenic herbs and the latter has adrenal extract, DHEA and Pregnenolone.

      Still have the Lion's Mane sitting on the counter :) Haven't opened it yet.

      Glad to hear the vagal stimulation seems to be helping. Haven't been consistent with that one yet.
