Sunday, December 21, 2014

What now???

So as my abdominal muscles have gotten stronger, um..... stuff has been popping out under my rib cage more and more.  It used to be rarely during yoga, now it's almost every practice and last night I went to put lotion on me feet and wham! out it came.  I sit as upright as I can and it slides back in but it's getting harder to get things back where they go.  It's as gross and creepy as it sounds. And, I've been belching, which is new and feeling a bit nauseous when I need to belch.  I hold my stomach in, admit it, you do too, especially since all this bloating started.  My ND says this pushes everything up.  I have diastasis recti from my c-section and have thought that's where stuff was pushing through but now I kind of wonder about a hiatal hernia.  Thankfully I have an ND appt tomorrow.  His specialty is visceral manipulation so hopefully he can give some insight, especially now that I can pop things out pretty easily and demonstrate exactly what I'm talking about.

Other things on my list to discuss, Hashimoto's.  I've been reading too much Dr. Datis Kharrazian :)  I think I've pretty much ruled out a neurological cause for my motility issues, my uvula and the roof of my mouth have good bounce and flexibility when I "ahhhh" but I'll ask him about that too.  I checked out his Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms book and a lot of what I have skimmed resonates with me.  I've always thought I have thyroid issues but the docs always say "no" everything looks good.  I pulled out my most recent thyroid labs from 18 months ago and things look low to me when compared to where he says they should be.  My sister has thyroid and gluten issues so thought better to check it out than to keep stabbing in the dark.  That would mean going more toward an AIP diet.  Not that I want to restrict my diet anymore but if it will make things even better and enable a quicker recovery, why not??  I've come this far, it's too late to go back now :)

I had a smoothie for dinner.  I haven't been eating fruit at all.  I did strawberries, blueberries, spinach, carrot, coconut milk, a bit of chia and 1/2 serving of sprouted rice protein (new, thanks to Dr. Datis) and 1/2 serving of pea protein.  I wanted a salad but chewing is still posing painful since my orthodontist appt on Wednesday even with all the turmeric.


  1. AIP isn't so bad, I switched over to a low FODMAP version of it a few months ago and it helped. I found I was having weird symptoms with nightshades so cutting them out was a good thing. Eggs were the hardest thing to give up but I still have them maybe once a week. Once I could handle coconut then nuts weren't an issue, I drink homemade coconut milk and use coconut flour. The Paleo Approach Cookbook is a great resource, it has become my cooking bible.

  2. Thanks, I've checked that one out. I'll grab it from the library again. Still not sure I want to do it. My ND wants me to try an elimination diet and the only thing that really wigs me out is giving up eggs and strawberries. Because I eat eggs for breakfast and would switch to a smoothie, but how do you make a decent smoothie without strawberries?? Not a fan of any other berry flavors and citrus fruit would be out as well. Guess I could go pina colada style :)
