Monday, August 31, 2015

Counting down to school

School starts here on Sept 2nd.  I am really excited to get back into a regular yoga practice. It benefits my mind and my gut, not to mention my neck.  Summer is hard with the kid and activities and travel.  I'm not great at doing a home practice.  I usually end up tweaking something when I do because I skimp on the warmup.


  1. I feel the same about home practice! I just don't enjoy it as much as a good class. I started back last week and went today. It was awesome. Hard to believe summer's over! Love that you have chickens, btw, sounds like work but worth it!!

    1. Only worth it when you aren't reacting to eggs! LOL! I swear I have spent more time this year processing FODMAPy or reactive foods than I have food for myself. My husband grows so much but most of it I don't tolerate (garlic, onions, grapes, plums, apple, tomatoes, spicy peppers, etc). Will be nice when things slow down and I can just get into class and breathe :)
