Thursday, June 19, 2014

Elemental Diet - Day 3

I feel best in the morning and least turned off by the diet so I try to get in all the calories I can.  I've also found that I NEED salt and this diet doesn't really supply any.  If I am starting to feel really gross I sprinkle a bit of salt in my hand and lick.  In the afternoon I started to feel really gross but had some salt and bam! much better.  

"What's that?", asked my kid as we cuddled.  That's my stomach gurgling.  Not sure what's going on in there but it's not happy.  I'm hoping it starts to clear out soon!

Went out to my mom's for dinner on Day 3.  As you can probably imagine THAT went over well.  "You are doing what?"  "That's unhealthy!"  "You're going to starve!"  "Are you sure this isn't all a bunch of hooey?"  I didn't tell her that on average people on this diet lose 10-15lbs even though the diet as prescribed is 2000 calories a day.  I can tell you why, it's gross and sometimes it's more tolerable to eat nothing than to ingest something that while nourishes your body, tastes like butt (that would be my 11yo niece's perspective, she tried the aminos).

I emailed my ND last night and asked him to call me in a script for a stronger prokinetic.  At the moment there appears to be 2 options - low dose Erythromycin 50mg HS or low dose Naltrexone 5mg HS or 2.5mg BID.  Anyone out there tried either of these?  There were a couple of others listed but one is sold only in Europe and the other is available through Canada and I've been there, done that and not sure I want to try it again.

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