Friday, October 3, 2014

Breath Test #6

Here is breath test #6.  Finally some good progress.  Numbers are still high but overall everything has decreased which is really awesome.  I did this test after a little over 2 weeks on Rifaximin/Neomycin with Lipophos EDTA as my biofilm buster.  I think Lipophos EDTA works better for me.  I'm back on Klaire Labs Interfase Plus right now but will do a couple of bottles of Lipophos EDTA when I'm done. 

I think the hardest part of the whole process is sticking to the diet when you are not seeing results.  It's such a restricted diet and a real pain to measure everything but in the end, feeling better and having a healthy gut will make it all worth it!


  1. are you feeling any better? Ive had sibo for months with little improvement

    1. I never really felt horrible. My main symptoms (or so I thought) were constipation, bloating and an itchy belly (although at the time I didn't realize it was related). As I've gone on with treatment I've noticed less brain fog and improved energy. I find that I do better if I limit any fast processing carbs (for me, honey, bananas, sweet potatoes were favs) to once per week. I skimmed though JJ Virgins Sugar Impact book and decided to take them out to see if it changed how I felt. I definitely feel better. I think with SIBO treatment needs to be really individualized and you have to figure out which foods work for you and def get rid of anything you are craving because that's generally means your body is having a negative reaction to it. It's a long road and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a standard protocol that works for everyone. Thanks for commenting! I hope some of the things I have posted have been helpful or at least make you feel not as alone in this.

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